Special Call Meeting Notice

Dear Inspiration Hills Homes Association Homeowners,

We are writing to inform you of a Special Call Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, at 6:00 PM. The meeting will occur at the Forest Hills Library, 5245 Ingram Rd, San Antonio, TX 78228.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the financial issues of the association. It is of utmost importance that all homeowners make an effort to attend. Your presence and participation will contribute greatly to the success of our association.

We look forward to your active participation and meaningful contributions at the Special Call Meeting on Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, at 6:00 PM at the Forest Hills Library. Let us work together to ensure the financial health and prosperity of the Inspiration Hills Homes Association.


Arthur Garza
(210) 317-6599
Inspiration Hills Homes Association

National Night Out 2023

🌟 Join us for National Night Out tomorrow at the park! 🌟

📅 Event Details:
Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Address: 403 Clearview Dr., San Antonio, TX 78228

🍽️ Potluck Style:
Please bring a delicious side dish or dessert to share with your neighbors. Let’s make it a flavorful and fun evening together!

We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating our wonderful San Antonio community! Thank you for being a part of it.

Warm regards,
The IHHA 🏡

#NationalNightOut #SanAntonioNeighbors #CommunityTogether


July 11, 2023

The July 11, 2023, meeting of the IHHA Board of Directors at the Forest Hills Library was called to order at 6:14 PM by Vice President Jim Graham in the absence of President Rudy Gonzalez.

Executive Committee Members and Directors Present

Vice President Jim Graham, Secretary Nancy York, Park Director/Code Compliance Joe Torrez,

Park Co-Director Fernando Gutierrez

Street Directors Present

Bob Garcia, Delia Garcia, Pete Garcia, James Keller, Theresa Pena, Regina Torrez, Vic York

Executive Committee Members Absent

President Rudy Gonzalez, Treasurer Gloria Segovia, Pavilion Rentals Edna Gonzalez, 

Financial Director Carlos Valadez

Street Directors Absent

Rachel Coronado, Angelica Garcia, Bea Green, Terry Kimball, Maria Licona, Destin Magallanez, 

Angie Mandujano, Norma Martinez, Dalia Paz, Jo-Ann Paz, Jose Paz

The minutes of the May 2, 2023, meeting were approved as corrected for spelling errors.

In the absence of treasurer Gloria Segovia and Financial Director Carlos Valadez there was no Financial Report.

There was no President’s Report due to the absence of President Rudy Gonazlez.

Park Director Joe Torrez discussed the trees in the park.  

Because of the lack of rain and the extreme heat, many of the trees are stressed and could be lost.

Arborists checked the trees and said some of the trees have a canker and not oak wilt.

The trees also have soil erosion due to the drought. The trees must be watered to be saved.

Watering the trees will be expensive.  

Also, the fence lines have weeds and growth that is taking the water from the trees. 

The fences need to be cleared of that growth.

Fernando Gutierrez donated the use of his trailer for the project.

Regina Torrez recommended talking to NISD about cleaning the school side of the fence.

Fernando recommended getting bids for cleaning the fence line.

Jim Graham suggested a tote that holds 270 gallons be purchased as well as hoses to properly water the trees. 

A motion was approved for a $500 limit to make these purchases.

Joe said he will use the Park Maintince Fund to repair some of the water faucets using a plumber who has done previous work for the park.

Joe said 85% of the park projects that the Board approved are complete. The cover for the cornhole/picnic pavilion and the BBQ pit and cover are all that are not complete.  Joe suggested the $5000 the Board had approved for the pit instead be used to build a cover for the cornhole pavilion. He said this will compete that project and give curb appeal to that area.  The BBQ pit and cover expense can be in next year’s budget.

Theresa suggested that the budget be adjusted to build the roof over the cornhole/picnic pavilion. The motion was approved.

Joe said the new Code Compliance officer is Christina Valdez. One of the problems is low tree limbs causing problems for garbage trucks. Unless these trees are trimmed citations will be issued by the city.

There was no report on Pavilion Rental due to the absence of Edna Gonzalez.

There was some discussion on raising the rates to rent the pavilion due to the added park improvements.

Under New Business dogs in the park were discussed. 

IHHA is NOT a dog park although we have dog waste station which is used regularly used.

The lack of current information on the IHHA website was discussed. 

Regina moved that minutes of our BOD meetings as well as updates not to include financial information be posted on the Website. The webmaster Aaron Garcia will be contacted.

A question was raised about the number of assessments not paid and the lack of action.

Delia Garcia said that no liens have been filed since 2015.

Regina said that Carlos is sending letters to those who have not paid their assessments. 

Frustrations were expressed that the Board is not receiving information they need.

Jim made a motion to give a $25 donation to the Friends of Forest Library for the use of the library for our meeting. The motion passed. Theresa will take care of this.

National Night Out on October 10 was discussed and plans for IHHA to participate will be made at the next meeting.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors was approved for September 12 at 6:00 PM at Forest Hills Library.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:49 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy York 


Meeting Canceled



JULY 11, 2023


At Forest Hills Library

5245 Ingram Rd.

San Antonio, Tx. 78228


Happy 4th of July, Inspiration Hills Homes Association!

This Independence Day, let’s come together as a community to celebrate the spirit of freedom, unity, and the pursuit of happiness. As fireworks light up the sky, let them symbolize the vibrant spirit that resides within each and every one of us.

Today, we commemorate the bravery and sacrifices of our founding fathers who fought for the principles we hold dear. Let us remember the values of liberty, equality, and justice that make our nation strong.

As we gather with family, friends, and neighbors, let us cherish the moments of togetherness, sharing laughter, and creating beautiful memories. Let the sound of laughter, music, and celebration fill our streets, reminding us of the unity that binds us as a community.

From all of us at Inspiration Hills Homes Association, we wish you a truly memorable and Happy 4th of July! 🎇🎉🎈🎊🎆

¡Feliz 4 de Julio, Asociación de Hogares de Inspiration Hills!

En este Día de la Independencia, unámonos como comunidad para celebrar el espíritu de libertad, unidad y búsqueda de la felicidad. Mientras los fuegos artificiales iluminen el cielo, dejemos que simbolicen el espíritu vibrante que reside en cada uno de nosotros.

Hoy conmemoramos la valentía y los sacrificios de nuestros padres fundadores, quienes lucharon por los principios que apreciamos. Recordemos los valores de libertad, igualdad y justicia que fortalecen nuestra nación.

Al reunirnos con familia, amigos y vecinos, valoremos los momentos de unidad, compartiendo risas y creando hermosos recuerdos. Que el sonido de la risa, la música y la celebración llene nuestras calles, recordándonos la unidad que nos une como comunidad.

¡Desde la Asociación de Hogares Inspiration Hills, les deseamos un 4 de Julio verdaderamente memorable y feliz a todos!

Celebrating Father’s Day: Honoring the Pillars of Inspiration

Father’s Day is a special occasion that allows us to honor and appreciate the remarkable fathers and father figures who play pivotal roles in our lives. At Inspiration Hills Homes Association, we recognize the profound impact fathers have on our community, families, and the lives of their loved ones. On this Father’s Day, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude and celebrate the pillars of inspiration who have shaped us, guided us, and provided unwavering support.

  1. Reflecting on the Values:
    Fatherhood is synonymous with strength, dedication, and love. Dads in our community have embraced their roles with grace, embodying values that serve as beacons for their families and the wider Inspiration Hills community. Whether it’s teaching the importance of honesty, kindness, perseverance, or instilling a sense of responsibility, fathers have been instrumental in shaping the character of future generations.
  2. Unconditional Love and Support:
    A father’s love is boundless and unwavering. From cheering on their children’s accomplishments to being a shoulder to lean on during challenging times, fathers have consistently provided love and support in countless ways. Their guidance and presence have given us the courage to dream big, pursue our passions, and overcome obstacles. Today, we salute the fathers who have been pillars of strength, providing an anchor in the stormiest of seas.
  3. Leading by Example:
    Fathers are role models, teaching us valuable life lessons through their actions. Their unwavering work ethic, integrity, and resilience inspire us to strive for greatness. They have demonstrated the importance of perseverance, showing us that setbacks are merely stepping stones towards success. Through their actions, fathers have empowered us to become better individuals, instilling in us the belief that we can achieve anything we set our minds to.
  4. Building Bonds and Memories:
    Father’s Day offers a perfect opportunity to cherish the memories and experiences shared with our fathers. Whether it’s camping trips, fishing adventures, or simple moments spent playing catch in the backyard, these shared experiences create lasting bonds that shape our lives. Let’s take this occasion to reminisce about the laughter, lessons, and joyous times that have enriched our lives through the presence of our fathers.

On this special day, the Inspiration Hills Homes Association community comes together to celebrate and honor the fathers who have shaped us. We express our deepest appreciation for their unwavering love, guidance, and sacrifices. May we all take a moment to show gratitude and embrace the fathers and father figures in our lives, letting them know how much they mean to us. Happy Father’s Day to the pillars of Inspiration who have made our lives richer and more meaningful.

Celebrando el Día del Padre: Honrando a los Pilares de Inspiración

El Día del Padre es una ocasión especial que nos permite honrar y apreciar a los increíbles padres y figuras paternas que desempeñan un papel fundamental en nuestras vidas. En la Asociación de Hogares de Inspiration Hills, reconocemos el profundo impacto que los padres tienen en nuestra comunidad, familias y en las vidas de sus seres queridos. En este Día del Padre, queremos expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento y celebrar a los pilares de inspiración que nos han moldeado, guiado y brindado un apoyo inquebrantable.

  1. Reflexionando sobre los Valores:
    La paternidad está asociada con la fortaleza, dedicación y amor. Los padres de nuestra comunidad han abrazado su rol con gracia, personificando valores que son faros para sus familias y la amplia comunidad de Inspiration Hills. Ya sea enseñando la importancia de la honestidad, la amabilidad, la perseverancia o inculcando un sentido de responsabilidad, los padres han sido fundamentales en la formación del carácter de las futuras generaciones.
  2. Amor Incondicional y Apoyo:
    El amor de un padre es infinito e inquebrantable. Desde animar los logros de sus hijos hasta ser un hombro en momentos difíciles, los padres han brindado constantemente amor y apoyo de innumerables maneras. Su guía y presencia nos han dado el coraje para soñar en grande, perseguir nuestras pasiones y superar obstáculos. Hoy, rendimos homenaje a los padres que han sido pilares de fortaleza, brindando un ancla en los mares más agitados.
  3. Liderando con el Ejemplo:
    Los padres son modelos a seguir, enseñándonos valiosas lecciones de vida a través de sus acciones. Su incansable ética laboral, integridad y resiliencia nos inspiran a esforzarnos por la grandeza. Han demostrado la importancia de la perseverancia, mostrándonos que los contratiempos son simplemente escalones hacia el éxito. A través de sus acciones, los padres nos han empoderado para convertirnos en mejores personas, inculcándonos la creencia de que podemos lograr cualquier cosa que nos propongamos.
  4. Construyendo Lazos y Recuerdos:
    El Día del Padre ofrece una oportunidad perfecta para apreciar los recuerdos y experiencias compartidas con nuestros padres. Ya sea viajes de campamento, aventuras de pesca o momentos simples jugando a atrapar en el patio trasero, estas experiencias compartidas crean lazos duraderos que moldean nuestras vidas. Aprovechemos esta ocasión para recordar las risas, las lecciones y los momentos de alegría que han enriquecido nuestras vidas gracias a la presencia de nuestros padres.

En este día especial, la comunidad de la Asociación de Hogares de Inspiration Hills se une para celebrar y honrar a los padres que nos han moldeado. Expresamos nuestro más profundo agradecimiento por su amor inquebrantable, guía y sacrificios. Aprovechemos este momento para mostrar gratitud y abrazar a los padres y figuras paternas en nuestras vidas, haciéndoles saber cuánto significan para nosotros. ¡Feliz Día del Padre a los pilares de Inspiración que han enriquecido nuestras vidas y les dan un sentido más profundo.

Honoring Sacrifice: United in Remembrance at Inspiration Hills Homes Association

On Memorial Day, we gather as a community at Inspiration Hills Homes Association to solemnly reflect and honor the courageous men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. We remember their bravery, their selflessness, and the profound impact they had on our lives. With gratitude and unity, we pay homage to our fallen heroes, showcasing their stories of heroism and the values they fought to protect. Through commemorative events and activities, we join together to express our unwavering support for veterans and their families, ensuring their memory lives on. As we teach the next generation about the significance of this day, we instill in them a deep appreciation for the freedoms we enjoy. Let us pause, reflect, and renew our commitment to preserving the ideals for which they sacrificed. At Inspiration Hills Homes Association, we stand united, fostering a community that cherishes freedom, unity, and service, and we honor the sacrifice of our heroes with the utmost reverence.

Rindiendo Honor: Unidos en Recuerdo en la Asociación de Hogares Inspiration Hills

En el Día de los Caídos, nos reunimos como comunidad en la Asociación de Hogares Inspiration Hills para reflexionar solemnemente y honrar a los valientes hombres y mujeres que hicieron el máximo sacrificio al servir a nuestro país. Recordamos su valentía, su abnegación y el profundo impacto que tuvieron en nuestras vidas. Con gratitud y unidad, rendimos homenaje a nuestros héroes caídos, mostrando sus historias de heroísmo y los valores por los que lucharon. A través de eventos conmemorativos y actividades, nos unimos para expresar nuestro apoyo inquebrantable a los veteranos y sus familias, asegurando que su memoria perdure. Mientras enseñamos a las generaciones futuras sobre la importancia de este día, inculcamos en ellos un profundo aprecio por las libertades que disfrutamos. Detengámonos, reflexionemos y renovemos nuestro compromiso de preservar los ideales por los que ellos sacrificaron. En la Asociación de Hogares Inspiration Hills, nos mantenemos unidos, fomentando una comunidad que valora la libertad, la unidad y el servicio, y honramos el sacrificio de nuestros héroes con el máximo respeto.

🌸 Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible mothers of Inspiration Hills Homes Association! 🌸

Today, we celebrate the remarkable women who fill our lives with love, warmth, and endless support. Your nurturing spirits and unwavering dedication inspire us every day.

Thank you for the countless sacrifices you make, the love you pour into your families, and the strength you demonstrate in every role you embody. Your kindness, patience, and guidance shape the lives of those around you.

On this special day, may you be showered with appreciation and gratitude for the incredible mothers you are. You are the heart and soul of our community, and we are forever grateful for the love and care you bring into our lives.

Wishing you a Mother’s Day filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments spent with your loved ones. You are truly superheroes in our eyes, and we honor you today and always.

Happy Mother’s Day! 💐❤️

🌸 ¡Feliz Día de las Madres a todas las increíbles mamás de la Asociación de Hogares de Inspiration Hills! 🌸

Hoy celebramos a las mujeres extraordinarias que llenan nuestras vidas de amor, calidez y apoyo infinito. Su espíritu de crianza y dedicación inquebrantable nos inspiran cada día.

Gracias por los innumerables sacrificios que hacen, el amor que brindan a sus familias y la fuerza que demuestran en cada rol que desempeñan. Su amabilidad, paciencia y orientación dan forma a las vidas de quienes las rodean.

En este día especial, que sean inundadas de aprecio y gratitud por ser las increíbles madres que son. Son el corazón y el alma de nuestra comunidad, y estamos eternamente agradecidos por el amor y el cuidado que aportan a nuestras vidas.

Les deseamos un Día de las Madres lleno de alegría, risas y momentos apreciados junto a sus seres queridos. Realmente son superhéroes a nuestros ojos, y las honramos hoy y siempre.

¡Feliz Día de las Madres! 💐❤️

Brush Collection Notice – May 8th 2023

You may now set out only clean brush at the curb in front of your house for collection. Brush must be set out no later than 7:00 a.m. on Monday:

May 8, 2023

  • Please limit your brush to eight (8) cubic yards
  • Brush must be placed within eight (8) feet of your curb
  • For paper-bagged leaves, please call 3-1-1 for leaf collection.
  • No bulky items (such as plastic bags, tires, fencing, mattresses, etc.) during this collection
  • Do not place under low-hanging tree limbs, on top of water meters, in front of parked cars, or other obstructions, and avoid sidewalks where possible.
  • Do not place any material on vacant lots
  • Do not place material at the curb after crews have passed by your house
  • Violations of the City Code will result in fines of up to $2,000/day and/or collection costs invoiced to the property owner

A separate bulky item collection will occur at a later time.

Help prevent oak wilt. Avoid pruning oaks from February 1

through June 30, and paint all wounds within 30 minutes.

Contractors are required to have a City-issued tree maintenance license. (www.sanantonio.gov/dsd/environmental.asp)

Aviso de recolección de ramas – 8 de mayo de 2023

Ahora puedes poner solo ramas limpias en la banqueta frente a tu casa para su recolección. Las ramas deben ser colocadas a más tardar a las 7:00 a.m. del lunes:

May 8, 2023

  • Por favor, limita tus ramas a ocho (8) yardas cúbicas.
  • Las ramas deben colocarse dentro de los ocho (8) pies de tu banqueta.
  • Para hojas en bolsas de papel, llama al 3-1-1 para la recolección de hojas.
  • No se recolectarán artículos voluminosos (como bolsas de plástico, llantas, cercas, colchones, etc.) durante esta recolección.
  • No coloques ramas debajo de ramas de árboles colgantes, encima de medidores de agua, frente a carros estacionados u otras obstrucciones, y evita las aceras si es posible.
  • No coloques ningún material en lotes baldíos.
  • No coloques material en la banqueta después de que las cuadrillas hayan pasado por tu casa.
  • Las infracciones al Código de la Ciudad resultarán en multas de hasta $2,000/día y/o costos de recolección facturados al propietario.

Una recolección separada de artículos voluminosos se llevará a cabo en un momento posterior.

Ayuda a prevenir la marchitez del roble. Evita podar robles desde el 1 de febrero hasta el 30 de junio y pinta todas las heridas dentro de los 30 minutos.

Los contratistas deben tener una licencia de mantenimiento de árboles emitida por la ciudad. (www.sanantonio.gov/dsd/environmental.asp)