July 11, 2023
The July 11, 2023, meeting of the IHHA Board of Directors at the Forest Hills Library was called to order at 6:14 PM by Vice President Jim Graham in the absence of President Rudy Gonzalez.
Executive Committee Members and Directors Present
Vice President Jim Graham, Secretary Nancy York, Park Director/Code Compliance Joe Torrez,
Park Co-Director Fernando Gutierrez
Street Directors Present
Bob Garcia, Delia Garcia, Pete Garcia, James Keller, Theresa Pena, Regina Torrez, Vic York
Executive Committee Members Absent
President Rudy Gonzalez, Treasurer Gloria Segovia, Pavilion Rentals Edna Gonzalez,
Financial Director Carlos Valadez
Street Directors Absent
Rachel Coronado, Angelica Garcia, Bea Green, Terry Kimball, Maria Licona, Destin Magallanez,
Angie Mandujano, Norma Martinez, Dalia Paz, Jo-Ann Paz, Jose Paz
The minutes of the May 2, 2023, meeting were approved as corrected for spelling errors.
In the absence of treasurer Gloria Segovia and Financial Director Carlos Valadez there was no Financial Report.
There was no President’s Report due to the absence of President Rudy Gonazlez.
Park Director Joe Torrez discussed the trees in the park.
Because of the lack of rain and the extreme heat, many of the trees are stressed and could be lost.
Arborists checked the trees and said some of the trees have a canker and not oak wilt.
The trees also have soil erosion due to the drought. The trees must be watered to be saved.
Watering the trees will be expensive.
Also, the fence lines have weeds and growth that is taking the water from the trees.
The fences need to be cleared of that growth.
Fernando Gutierrez donated the use of his trailer for the project.
Regina Torrez recommended talking to NISD about cleaning the school side of the fence.
Fernando recommended getting bids for cleaning the fence line.
Jim Graham suggested a tote that holds 270 gallons be purchased as well as hoses to properly water the trees.
A motion was approved for a $500 limit to make these purchases.
Joe said he will use the Park Maintince Fund to repair some of the water faucets using a plumber who has done previous work for the park.
Joe said 85% of the park projects that the Board approved are complete. The cover for the cornhole/picnic pavilion and the BBQ pit and cover are all that are not complete. Joe suggested the $5000 the Board had approved for the pit instead be used to build a cover for the cornhole pavilion. He said this will compete that project and give curb appeal to that area. The BBQ pit and cover expense can be in next year’s budget.
Theresa suggested that the budget be adjusted to build the roof over the cornhole/picnic pavilion. The motion was approved.
Joe said the new Code Compliance officer is Christina Valdez. One of the problems is low tree limbs causing problems for garbage trucks. Unless these trees are trimmed citations will be issued by the city.
There was no report on Pavilion Rental due to the absence of Edna Gonzalez.
There was some discussion on raising the rates to rent the pavilion due to the added park improvements.
Under New Business dogs in the park were discussed.
IHHA is NOT a dog park although we have dog waste station which is used regularly used.
The lack of current information on the IHHA website was discussed.
Regina moved that minutes of our BOD meetings as well as updates not to include financial information be posted on the Website. The webmaster Aaron Garcia will be contacted.
A question was raised about the number of assessments not paid and the lack of action.
Delia Garcia said that no liens have been filed since 2015.
Regina said that Carlos is sending letters to those who have not paid their assessments.
Frustrations were expressed that the Board is not receiving information they need.
Jim made a motion to give a $25 donation to the Friends of Forest Library for the use of the library for our meeting. The motion passed. Theresa will take care of this.
National Night Out on October 10 was discussed and plans for IHHA to participate will be made at the next meeting.
The next meeting of the Board of Directors was approved for September 12 at 6:00 PM at Forest Hills Library.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:49 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy York